Murder in the Alps: Who killed the al-Hilli family?

Investigators are struggling to find out the cause of a gruesome and strange murder near the village of Chevaline.

It’s a gruesome murder mystery, said Marion Van Renterghem in Le Monde (France). “Every aspect is extraordinary in this scene of collective carnage.” A British man cycling through the Alps near the village of Chevaline came upon a dead cyclist, shot in the head. Nearby was a British-registered BMW with shot-out windows and the motor still running, containing the bodies of three adults, also shot in the head, and a severely wounded 7-year-old girl. Though no one knew it for hours, an unharmed 4-year-old girl was hiding underneath the bodies. Now we know that the dead are Saad al-Hilli, an Iraqi-born British aeronautical engineer; his wife, Iqbal; her mother, who had a Swedish passport; and French cyclist Sylvain Mollier. The al-Hilli daughters, Zainab and Zeena, are now in the care of relatives and French authorities. But there is much we don’t know. Was Saad al-Hilli the primary target and everyone else just eliminated as witnesses? Is it mere coincidence that the man who discovered the bodies is a former member of Britain’s Royal Air Force? Most important, who killed them?

We may soon find out, said Celine Rastello in Le Nouvel Observateur (France). While little Zeena, who cowered under her mother’s legs, did not see the attacker, Zainab may have. Now out of her medically induced coma, she has begun speaking to investigators, who say they will question her very slowly and “with great sympathy.” Experts in juvenile interviewing have been called in. They know not to ask leading questions or even yes or no questions, but “to let the child tell us what happened.”

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