Black Friday and Cyber Monday's record sales: A good omen?

The holiday shopping season is off to a booming start. But do stampedes of bargain-hungry Americans really prove the economy is back on track?

A customer carries shopping bags on Black Friday: The first day of the holiday shopping season saw record numbers of shoppers and sales.
(Image credit: REUTERS/Gus Ruelas)

Shoppers turned out in droves over the holiday weekend. A record 226 million people shopped online and in stores, according to the National Retail Federation, and they spent an estimated $52.4 billion, also a record amount. The shopping spree continued on Cyber Monday, with online sales up 33 percent from last year, according to IBM's Benchmark research firm. Is this strong start to the holiday shopping season a sign of economic recovery?

This at least offers some hope: The shopping boom certainly set a "positive tone" for the season, says Andria Cheng at MarketWatch. Strong Black Friday sales lifted the S&P retail index 3.2 percent, the biggest one-day gain since August, and the broader market was also up. If we're lucky, a rise in consumer spending "may spread beyond the retail sector."

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