Should parents have their kids genetically tested for diseases?

Pediatricians advise against screening children for health problems they might face as adults. But many parents want to do it anyway

A blood sample is taken from a baby's heel after birth: More and more parents say they would consider screening their child's genes for risks of cancer and other diseases.
(Image credit: Corbis)

Genetic health screening is becoming increasingly available and popular — so much so that many parents who have undergone it say they would also consider testing their children for the risk later in life of cancer, diabetes, and other diseases, according to a new study published in the journal Pediatrics. But doctors advise against using the tests on kids, because the results aren't conclusive, and can cause unnecessary alarm, or false security. Is gene testing for kids really a bad idea?

Don't subject kids to these unreliable tests: Direct-to-consumer gene screening is easy, says Helen Wallace of the genetic science lobby group Genewatch UK, as quoted by BBC News. But it also frequently gives "misleading results," because many common conditions, including obesity and cancer, "are "not predicable from a person's genes." Parents should wait for their kids to grow up, and then decide for themselves whether to be tested.

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