Editor's Letter
Editor's Letter: Our chaotic times
feature I lifted my hand to wave, but her head was fixed straight ahead. All I could do was stand and watch as the ground beneath me registered a subtle quake.
By The Week Staff Last updated
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Editor's Letter: Online ads and precise optimization
feature Marketers are starting to employ a new technology, dubbed real-time bidding, that enables them to target messages based on what we’re doing online at that very moment.
By The Week Staff Last updated
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Editor's Letter: Human fallibility
feature Let us not put too much trust in those who navigate this world with smug certainty; the truly wise concede their fallibility up front, and keep learning from their mistakes.
By The Week Staff Last updated
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Editor's Letter: The upside to creative destruction
feature For music fans, there is an upside to creative destruction. On a Woodstock stage recently, I watched a friend stretch her lungs in some of the open space left by the industry’s retreat.
By The Week Staff Last updated
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Editor's Letter: Some perspective on the word "mastermind"
feature Why are we calling thugs, zealots, and swindlers masterminds?
By The Week Staff Last updated
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Editor's Letter
feature Exoticism is in the beholder’s eye.
By The Week Staff Last updated
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Editor's Letter: The information consumer
feature May the new year bring us all more wisdom, and not quite so many zettabytes.
By The Week Staff Last updated
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Editor's Letter: Political swordsmanship
feature National politics, always a rough game, has devolved into something meaner, more personal—a blood feud. The primary agenda now is to score points, and to damage the other party whenever possible.
By The Week Staff Last updated
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Editor's Letter: Taking care of their own
feature People have an instinct to take care of their own, but depending on the circumstances, this bit of human nature can be problematic and even scandalous.
By The Week Staff Last updated
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Editor's Letter: A new era of “duck and cover”
feature Decades of living under nuclear threat during the Cold War fostered a fatalism that tempered the jitters and allowed us to laugh in the face of existential peril. Will we someday muster a similarly cheeky response to the era of color-coded alarms
By The Week Staff Last updated
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Editor's Letter: Still clueless about how to educate our kids
feature Diane Ravitch, one of the nation’s most influential education policy advocates admits she was wrong, wrong, wrong about the policies she long championed.
By The Week Staff Last updated
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Editor's Letter: Beyond Arizona
feature It’s not just Arizona. When it comes to illegal immigration, the nation is in a foul mood.
By The Week Staff Last updated
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Editor's Letter: A marriage that lasts
feature What, you have to wonder, did Chelsea learn about marriage from her parents’ notorious union? While countless other marriages have fallen apart, something kept the Clintons together.
By The Week Staff Last updated
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Editor's Letter: "Sealing the borders"
feature In 1986, the House of Representatives demanded that the Pentagon “seal the borders” within 45 days against illegal drugs.
By The Week Staff Last updated