The Vatican's latest foray into self-deception

Church authorities are offering confusion and calling it communion

Pope Francis
(Image credit: (REUTERS/Tony Gentile))

Are the "irregular" family situations that the Vatican is considering this week similar to the many varieties of Christianity that exist outside the Catholic Church?

That's the theory behind an intriguing article by John Allen Jr, the intrepid church reporter who heads up The Boston Globe's standalone venture, Crux. Just as the churchmen partaking in the Vatican's "synod" on the family today wish to emphasize the good in unmarried, previously divorced, or same-sex couples in order to move them toward a fuller realization of grace, so did the Second Vatican Council shift emphasis away from the Church's "exclusivist" claims to Christianity.

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Michael Brendan Dougherty

Michael Brendan Dougherty is senior correspondent at He is the founder and editor of The Slurve, a newsletter about baseball. His work has appeared in The New York Times Magazine, ESPN Magazine, Slate and The American Conservative.