The GOP's latest brainwave for the Federal Reserve is another terrible idea

Monetary policy can't be reduced to an equation

(Image credit: (Win McNamee/Getty Images))

House Republicans Scott Garrett (R-N.J.) and Bill Huizenga (R-Mich.) last month introduced a bill to force the Federal Reserve to adopt the so-called Taylor rule, an algorithm for determining interest rates developed by Stanford University economist John B. Taylor.

It's the latest in a long line of Republican attempts to reform the Fed, from former presidential candidate Ron Paul's desire to abolish it outright to Rep. Kevin Brady's (R-Texas) stab at rewriting its goal to include only low inflation and not low unemployment.

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John Aziz is the economics and business correspondent at He is also an associate editor at Previously his work has appeared on Business Insider, Zero Hedge, and Noahpinion.