That 'world's toughest job' ad is actually full of horrible lessons on motherhood

Please politely decline's viral invitation to a pity party

(Image credit: (Thinkstock))

Included on the list of things I do want for Mother's Day this year are a stack of homemade lemon ricotta pancakes and a bunch of tulips. On the list of things I don't want this year, or ever, is a thank you for doing "the world's toughest job."

And yet this is what suggests we should all be telling our mothers — and if we are mothers, tell ourselves — in their new "World's Toughest Job" ad. The video, which has over 10 million views and counting, presents itself as a series of interviews for a job requiring the following: constant exertion; working from 135 to unlimited hours per week; degrees in medicine, finance, and culinary arts; no vacations; no sleep; and no salary. At the end the applicants and us viewers learn that the job is a "mom" and billions of women already have it. Cue the tears, and cut.

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Elissa Strauss

Elissa Strauss writes about the intersection of gender and culture for She also writes regularly for and the Jewish Daily Forward, where she is a weekly columnist.