United Kingdom: The panning of a royal portrait

If she feels betrayed, Kate is too polite to say so.

If she feels betrayed, Kate is too polite to say so, said Valentine Low in The Times. The Duchess of Cambridge personally chose the artist Paul Emsley to paint her first royal portrait, and last week he unveiled a larger-than-life close-up that emphasizes lines and bags under her eyes and “makes her look nearly 10 years older.” Kate claimed to find the portrait “amazing” and “brilliant,” while her husband, Prince William, dutifully praised it as “absolutely beautiful.” Art critics beg to differ. “It’s difficult to pinpoint what is most offensive,” said Stuart Pearson Wright, who painted the prince’s grandfather, Prince Philip, a decade ago. “Is it the pursed lips and lumpy cheeks that put one in mind of Marlon Brando in The Godfather? Or the disparate eyes, too small and far apart from one another?” The portrait is downright dowdy.

What a terrible thing to do to a lovely young woman, said Charlotte Higgins in The Guardian. In real life, Kate has a sparkling smile and a youthful bloom, so why does she come across here as washed-out and haggard? Perhaps Emsley was trying to nod at contemporary culture by portraying the duchess as “something unpleasant from the Twilight franchise.” The most arresting part of the portrait is “the dead eyes: a vampiric, malevolent glare beneath heavy lids.” Next to draw one’s gaze is “the mouth: a tightly pursed, mean little lip-clench—she is, presumably, sucking in her fangs.” Obviously Emsley was not “trying to flatter,” said Michael Glover in The Independent. A photographic realist, Emsley is best known for his award-winning drawing Indian Rhinoceros, which painstakingly reproduces every pock mark and fold in the animal’s hide. If this sort of realism, applied to a person, goes even “slightly wrong, as has happened here,” the result is “catastrophic.”

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