Julian Assange's talk show debut: A major letdown?

The WikiLeaks founder launches The World Tomorrow on Russia's RT network. But despite having a high-profile first guest, Assange didn't exactly impress

Being on house arrest hasn't stopped WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange from starting a talk show, bringing newsy guests to his British estate via Skype.
(Image credit: Screen shot, worldtomorrow.wikileaks.org)

Julian Assange, once labeled "the world's most famous whistleblower," is now an aspiring talk-show star. On Tuesday, the founder of WikiLeaks debuted his new talk show The World Tomorrow on RT, Russia's state-controlled news network and website. (Watch the video below.) Because Assange is under house arrest and facing extradition to Sweden on rape and molestation charges, he conducted the interview with his first guest, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, from his British countryside estate via video chat. (Nasrallah spoke from an undisclosed location in Lebanon.) In a press release, Assange promised that The World Tomorrow, which is slated for 11 weekly episodes, will capture and present a "revolutionary spirit to a global audience." Did the premiere live up to its own hype?

The show is awful: Assange teased that his first guest would be "particularly controversial" and "highly charismatic," says Joe Coscarelli at New York, but that was clearly an oversell. The conversation with Nasrallah was not particularly revealing, and having two translators speak over everyone was incredibly distracting. The embarrassingly chintzy production value gave the whole affair a "public access plus Skype" vibe. The interview seemed better suited for a podcast than a television show.

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