France: Coming to grips with a homegrown jihadist

Was the young Muslim Frenchman who killed seven people a terrorist?

Was the young Muslim Frenchman who killed seven people last week a terrorist? asked Jacques Le Bohec in The Right would have us believe so. After all, Mohammed Merah made several trips to Pakistan and Afghanistan before he embarked on his rampage, killing three North African soldiers and four Jews, including three little children. And he called himself a member of al Qaida, in writings that were found after he was killed in a police shoot-out. But at bottom, this 23-year-old was just another disenfranchised youth, angry at his lack of prospects, upset at being rejected by the army. “Religion offered him a target for his rage and an alter ego that gave his murders a higher meaning.” Rather than simply retreating into a drug haze, like so many French youths, he decided to kill. “This is less about terrorism than about the willingness of a young man without hope or a future to turn to extremism.”

Much has been made of Merah’s Algerian background, said Olivier Roy in Le Monde. But second-generation Muslim immigrants are not the problem. In fact, in this crime, they were also victims. It has emerged that Merah targeted the Jewish school on a whim, simply because he could not immediately locate any more soldiers of North African descent. Which is ironic, because there certainly are plenty of them. Some 15 percent of French soldiers are second-generation Muslim immigrants. “For every one Merah who joins the Taliban, how many thousands of French Muslim troops are there who fight them?”

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