Book of the week: The Richer Sex: How the New Majority of Female Breadwinners Is Transforming Sex, Love, and Family by Liza Mundy

Women are poised to become the biggest breadwinners in most dual-earner households.

(Simon & Schuster, $27)

Your reign is up, men, said Patricia Sellers in Fortune. Women are poised to become the biggest breadwinners in most dual-earner households, and “the tipping point is a generation away.” Evidence of the coming era of female dominance is everywhere, says author Liza Mundy. Nearly 40 percent of working wives already earn more than their husbands. Single, childless women under 30 pocket more than their male counterparts in many U.S. cities. As women earn the larger share of advanced degrees, they’re also nearing total domination of certain professions, such as veterinary medicine, where the new gender imbalance is scaring off male recruits. So what happens when bigger female paychecks are the norm—when women are the “Masters of the Universe”?

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