The week at a glance ... Europe



Sarkozy Cabinet upheaval: His administration shaken by highly unpopular pension reforms, President Nicolas Sarkozy attempted to revive his political fortunes with a long-awaited Cabinet shuffle that shifted his government markedly to the right. Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner was replaced by the more conservative Michèle Alliott-Marie, and Alain Juppé, who had been prime minister under former President Jacques Chirac, was brought in as the new defense minister. However, Sarkozy was forced to reappoint Prime Minister François Fillon—whose role he had publicly belittled—because of pressure from his own party. Opinion polls show that the widely respected Fillon is more popular than Sarkozy. Energy Minister Jean-Louis Borloo, who had been expected to replace Fillon as prime minister, quit the government instead, indicating that he would challenge Sarkozy for the presidency in 2012.

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