Google's 'psychic' search tool: 'Revolutionary' or a 'disaster'?

The tech giant debuts Google Instant — a search function that updates queries as you type. It's impressive... but does anyone want it?

How will Google's new feature be received by the public?

Google's iconic, industry-leading search tool has undergone a radical transformation: All queries on the site are now predictive — that is, automatically updated and refreshed with additional keystrokes from the user. The moment Google Instant went live on Wednesday, the blogosphere began buzzing about the ramifications: Will it kill other search engines? Will it make Google money? Is it really "psychic"? Here are some first impressions:

It's mildly impressive, if buggy: Google Instant is "intuitive to use," says Stephen Shankland in CNet, but "I ran into some things I found unpleasant," including long waits for searches and unexplained shutdowns. Overall, it's "an improvement, though not a revolution, in search."

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