FOX: 'Deliberate misinformation'?

On a Sunday talk-show panel, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman accused Roger Ailes, CEO of Fox News, of spreading "deliberate misinformation" about the health-care reform bill and other important issues. Krugman also charged that, while the bill was first championed by Republican Mitt Romney, few Americans know that because Fox News is characterizing it as socialism. Ailes countered that "the American people are not stupid." Is Fox's reporting unreliable? (See the clip below)

Fox tries to make viewers think like Republicans: It's frustrating to try explaining to conservatives the difference between Fox News and CNN, or Fox and The New York Times, says John Aravosis in America Blog. They "don't get the difference between trying to be objective and trying to be Republican." Journalism is supposed to be about about giving people tools to make up their own minds.

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