Baseball: Will the steroid report change anything?

“All that work and all that anticipation ... for this?” said Shaun Powell in Newsday. Former Sen. George Mitchell last week unveiled his much-ballyhooed report on the use of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs in Major League Baseball, but it “taught us nothing we didn’t already know.’’ Commissioner Bud Selig authorized the study 20 months ago, long after hitting records began mysteriously falling to players so extravagantly muscular that they looked like comic-book characters. In Mitchell’s 400-page report, based almost entirely on the testimony of two shady former trainers who squealed to avoid prosecution, we’re told that players juiced themselves with steroids and human growth hormone “while owners essentially looked the other way.” Nothing new there. Yes, 86 players from the past two decades were named as cheaters, including a handful of stars: Barry Bonds (no surprise there), Roger Clemens, Miguel Tejada, and Andy Pettitte. But most of the players named were either retired or are marginal players, and even Mitchell had to concede that he had no real idea as to the extent of drug-cheating in the sport. At least now we can officially say farewell to “the romantic and ridiculous notion of professional baseball as a sweet American pastime,” played by noble and heroic men.

Frankly, that notion died years ago, said Eugene Robinson in The Washington Post. Baseball—along with all professional sports—has evolved into a billion-dollar industry in which freakishly sized gladiators battle for the entertainment of jaded fans paying $100 for a seat. “We, the paying customers, don’t want normal-size athletes with normal abilities. We want to see supermen and superwomen performing super feats.” Remember the “electric’’ 1998 home run battle between the massive Mark McGwire and the equally Herculean Sammy Sosa? said Rob Manker in the Chicago Tribune. Fans and sportswriters suspected even then that something was funny. “But we didn’t ask, and they didn’t tell.”

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