How to make free trade really work

Let's be honest: There are countless swathes of the Western world that have become economically depressed as jobs have moved to China. Here's what to do.

Even the biggest supporters of free trade recognize a need for change.
(Image credit: Zhengyi Xie/Cpressphoto/Corbis)

As a conservative, I've always been a huge believer in free trade. I still am, but the truth is that the protectionists have some things right.

The idea at the heart of free market economics is that economic activity is a positive-sum game. People don't get that rich by taking from other people. People get rich by making other people better off, which means they can buy more things the economy offers, which makes everyone better off. If the free enterprise system is a positive-sum game, then the more who play, the merrier.

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Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry

Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry is a writer and fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. His writing has appeared at Forbes, The Atlantic, First Things, Commentary Magazine, The Daily Beast, The Federalist, Quartz, and other places. He lives in Paris with his beloved wife and daughter.