Keith Wagstaff
Keith Wagstaff is a staff writer at covering politics and current events. He has previously written for such publications as TIME, Details, VICE, and the Village Voice.
Latest articles by Keith Wagstaff
4 reasons why the GOP isn't afraid of the debt ceiling
feature The end of the world? Some Republicans don't think so.
By Keith Wagstaff Last updated
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Watch the terrifying robot that won't be stopped by the government shutdown
feature Not even Washington gridlock can stop the robot apocalypse
By Keith Wagstaff Last updated
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5 reasons Wendy Davis just might win the Texas governor's race
feature It's a longshot, but...
By Keith Wagstaff Last updated
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How the shutdown could burn the GOP in 2014
feature A new survey shows that Republicans could pay at the polls if this government shutdown continues
By Keith Wagstaff Last updated
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Watch Shepard Smith tour the crazily futuristic Fox News Deck
feature Big news deserves really, really big tablets
By Keith Wagstaff Last updated
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ObamaCare is here! Everything you need to know
feature The health insurance exchanges are open, government shutdown be damned
By Keith Wagstaff Last updated
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How the Republican echo chamber is worsening the government shutdown
feature Tea Party politicians believe the American people are behind them. They may be in for a rude awakening.
By Keith Wagstaff Last updated
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5 radical ways to prevent the next shutdown
feature It may take more than reaching across the aisle to solve this problem
By Keith Wagstaff Last updated
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Winners and losers in the government shutdown battle
feature Let's just say it was a rough couple weeks for the GOP
By Keith Wagstaff Last updated
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Cleveland kidnapper sentenced to life in prison plus 1,000 years
feature Ariel Castro, who held three women captive for a decade, says he's "not a monster," just sick
By Keith Wagstaff Last updated
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We're halfway to eliminating the Electoral College
feature Rhode Island brings American democracy one step closer to the popular vote
By Keith Wagstaff Last updated
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Could Googling 'pressure cookers' and 'backpacks' really get you in trouble with the feds?
feature A journalist claims she was visited by a terrorism task force after some innocent searching
By Keith Wagstaff Last updated
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Are CIA agents being pressured to keep quiet about Benghazi?
feature There may be a Benghazi scandal after all
By Keith Wagstaff Last updated
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GOP: The media is already in the tank for Hillary Clinton
feature RNC Chairman Reince Priebus accuses CNN and NBC of bias for planning to air programs about the former secretary of state
By Keith Wagstaff Last updated
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10 things you need to know today: August 3, 2013
Daily Briefing The U.S. issues a global travel alert over terrorism fears, Robert Mugabe's party heads to victory in Zimbabwe, and more
By Keith Wagstaff Last updated
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4 reasons fans either love or hate the new Doctor Who
feature The 55-year-old Peter Capaldi will succeed Matt Smith
By Keith Wagstaff Last updated
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Why no city is safe from the fatberg
feature Officials discover a 16.5-ton ball of congealed grease and wet wipes lurking in London's sewers
By Keith Wagstaff Last updated
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Do newly intercepted al Qaeda threats justify NSA snooping?
feature Intelligence officials overheard terrorist "chatter," then closed 22 embassies. Good thing they were listening?
By Keith Wagstaff Last updated
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Al Qaeda's 'Legion of Doom' blew its cover with a conference call
feature U.S. intelligence were able to listen in on a telephonic meeting of more than 20 top terrorists
By Keith Wagstaff Last updated
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Why a dead shark on the New York subway isn't funny
feature Okay, it is a little bit. But there's a reason so many are endangered.
By Keith Wagstaff Last updated
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Will Obama's snub of Putin win points with Republicans?
feature Republicans have to decide which they like less: Edward Snowden's protector or praising Obama
By Keith Wagstaff Last updated
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Could Obama really legalize undocumented immigrants by executive order?
feature Marco Rubio's claim is the latest attempt to get the GOP to budge on immigration
By Keith Wagstaff Last updated
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Is this the end of stop-and-frisk?
feature A federal judge calls the New York Police Department's crime-fighting tactics "racially discriminatory"
By Keith Wagstaff Last updated
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3 ways the the Clinton Foundation could complicate a Hillary campaign
feature Hillary is moving into the headquarters of what is now the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation. That's where it gets tricky.
By Keith Wagstaff Last updated