Democratic leadership denies proxy vote to pregnant, disabled congresswoman

Democratic leadership denies proxy vote to pregnant, disabled congresswoman
(Image credit: Facebook/CongresswomanTammy Duckworth)

If anyone in Congress would be granted a proxy vote — the option to send someone to vote on your behalf — you would think it would be Rep. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), who is eight months pregnant and advised by her doctor not to travel. Duckworth is also a veteran who lost both of her legs in Iraq, a factor which can only complicate traveling to Washington at this stage of her pregnancy.

But Duckworth's request for a proxy to vote on her behalf in the House Democratic Caucus leadership and committee member elections has been denied by Rep. Rose DeLauro (D-Conn.). DeLauro's office says the decision was made to avoid setting a precedent, despite Duckworth's unique circumstance.

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Bonnie Kristian

Bonnie Kristian was a deputy editor and acting editor-in-chief of She is a columnist at Christianity Today and author of Untrustworthy: The Knowledge Crisis Breaking Our Brains, Polluting Our Politics, and Corrupting Christian Community (forthcoming 2022) and A Flexible Faith: Rethinking What It Means to Follow Jesus Today (2018). Her writing has also appeared at Time Magazine, CNN, USA Today, Newsweek, the Los Angeles Times, and The American Conservative, among other outlets.