Best Columns - US
Viewpoint: Peter Wehner
feature From “One of the GOP presidential candidates (Ron Paul) believes the United States is responsible for triggering the 9/11 attacks. Another (Rick Santorum) has said...
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Not everyone belongs in college
feature For years, our nation’s colleges have been churning out vastly more graduates than there are jobs requiring degrees, said Richard Vedder and Andrew Gillen at
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Libya’s lesson for North Korea
feature Once again, the U.S. has proved that dictators have only one “true security guarantee”: nukes, said Mira Rapp-Hooper and Kenneth N. Waltz at
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Feeling free to hate Mormons
feature Disdaining all Mormons is “simple prejudice”—no better than hating all Catholics or Jews or blacks, said James Fallows at
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America, the chosen nation
feature On what do politicians base their claims about America’s divine role? asked Andrew Bacevich at the Los Angeles Times.
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No spring for Egypt’s Christians
feature Egypt’s 8 million Coptic Christians have faced increased persecution and mob violence, and 100,000 Copts have already fled the country, said Ross Douthat at The New York Times.
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Viewpoint: George Packer
feature From Foreign Affairs: “Inequality creates a lopsided economy, which leaves the rich with so much money that they can binge on speculation, and leaves the middle class...
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Will Hillary switch to vice president?
feature Hillary would ensure that Obama benefited from a large gender gap, and would help build support among blue-collar independents, said Jonathan Alter at
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Capitalism is killing the middle class
feature Few like to admit it, but globalization and technology have triggered an economic revolution that’s “hostile to the middle-class majority,” said Chrystia Freeland at
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Buying local is bad for the planet
feature The “first-world food fetishes” of the Whole Foods crowd aren’t always good for the environment, and they hurt the world’s poor, said Charles Kenny at Foreign Policy.
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How morality became obsolete
feature “I guess what makes something right is how I feel about it,” is a typical refrain, said David Brooks at The New York Times.
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The GOP’s search for Conan
feature Romney just doesn’t reflect the “rage and paranoia” that have deformed the GOP since Barack Obama’s election, said Michael Medved at
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Viewpoint: David Brooks
feature From The New York Times: “Fitness inequality is acceptable. It is perfectly fine to wear tight workout sweats to show the world that...
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Dehumanizing Hispanics as ‘illegals’
feature It’s “the latest in a long line of euphemisms that politicians use to signal their antipathy to a reviled racial or ethnic group, in this case, Latinos,” said Peter Beinart at
By The Week Staff Last updated