Issue of the week: Do high-speed traders rig the market?

Wall Street is abuzz over high-frequency trading.

Wall Street is abuzz over high-frequency trading, said Matthew Philips in Ever since Michael Lewis went on 60 Minutes to promote his new book, Flash Boys, and “accuse high-frequency traders of rigging the stock market,” the debate “over HFT’s merits and evils” has been hard to avoid. But all the chatter clouds the big issue: Is high-frequency trading in fact insider trading? Critics say yes, since the practice allows those traders to “get better information faster than the rest of the market”—often by nanoseconds—thanks to tactics such as physically placing their computer servers closer to exchanges or paying exchanges for proprietary data feeds. This is legal because, by law, prices must be entered into the exchanges’ public data feed (called the securities information processor, or SIP) and the proprietary feeds at the same time. “But once data leaves the exchanges, the proprietary systems often process and transmit the information faster,” giving added leverage to high-speed traders.

The government, apparently, thinks this is unfair, said Charles Gasparino in the New York Post. The U.S. attorney in New York, the FBI, and the Securities and Exchange Commission are all investigating high-frequency traders, on the suspicion that they rip off individual investors by eclipsing their orders “at the speed of light,” thereby forcing them to pay more for stocks than they would have “if the high-speed computer never existed.” But the only orders HFTs are cutting the line on are for the big Wall Street firms. Until high-speed trading came along, money managers and their clients at places like Blackrock “could hide their orders, and trade without alerting the rest of the markets.” High-speed trading has made the system more transparent, and “any rip-off here is of the rich, by the rich.” For the average investor, “whatever game they’re playing might be a net plus,” since HFTs have lowered trading costs for everyone in the market.

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