Issue of the week: Who gets Fannie’s and Freddie’s profits?

Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s shareholders want their money back.

Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s shareholders want their money back, said Gretchen Morgenson in The New York Times. Few investors would “buy stock in a company that barred you from sharing in its future earnings.” After all, “participating in the upside is what stock ownership is all about.” But shareholders in the two government-sponsored mortgage enterprises can’t do so, thanks to a 2012 government restriction that bars investors from receiving Fannie’s and Freddie’s profits. Back then, stockholders “had little hope of making much money.” But now Fannie and Freddie are booming, and instead of sharing the wealth, the government is “siphoning off the entities’ profits.” The hedge fund Perry Capital is leading investors in a federal lawsuit challenging the government’s rule, claiming it amounts to a “backdoor nationalization of the companies” without providing any compensation for shareholders.

Fannie’s and Freddie’s stock prices rose by 950 percent last year, said Patrick Morris in Yet these companies “operate with a total disregard for common shareholders by returning all profits to the U.S. Treasury.” And regardless of the court case, there’s no reason to think that will change soon. Legislators on both sides of the aisle, along with President Obama and Freddie and Fannie officials, have made it clear that they’re focused on benefiting taxpayers, not shareholders. Shareholders had better realize that for these housing giants, “the days of wild speculation and surging stock prices are over.”

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