Why did humans start eating cheese in the first place?

Whoever thought it would be a good idea to snack on coagulated, old milk: Thank you

So beloved is cheese today that it's honored with its own annual festival in Germany.
(Image credit: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/dpa/Corbis)

Cheese is nearly unrivaled in its culinary versatility, as comfortable on a silver platter as it is on a greasy slice of pizza. But if you take a moment to think about it, cheese is a pretty strange thing to eat. Really, who thought it would be a good idea to give smelly, old, coagulated milk — swimming with bacteria, no less — a taste in the first place?

Our early prehistoric ancestors, it turns out. A new study of 7,500-year-old pottery pieces found in the Polish region of Kuyavia found pretty convincing evidence of early cheese-making. Researchers at the University of Bristol in Britain analyzed fatty acids embedded in the nooks and crannies of the ceramics (which bore a striking resemblance to modern cheese strainers) and found that they were used to separate milk into curds (the stuff we mold into cheese) and whey (the cloudy, lactose-rich stuff we take out). The milk residue found in the ancient sieves "constitutes the earliest direct evidence for cheese-making," said study co-author Mélanie Salque, writing in the journal Nature.

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Chris Gayomali is the science and technology editor for TheWeek.com. Previously, he was a tech reporter at TIME. His work has also appeared in Men's Journal, Esquire, and The Atlantic, among other places. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.