Video scandal fells Navy skipper

Capt. Owen P. Honors was relieved of his command of the Enterprise after revelations that he had produced lewd videos and broadcast them to sailors on the aircraft carrier's closed-circuit television.

The Navy stripped Capt. Owen P. Honors of command of the aircraft carrier Enterprise this week, after revelations that he had produced lewd videos and broadcast them to thousands of sailors on the vessel’s closed-circuit television. As the Enterprise’s second-in-command during 2006 and 2007, Honors starred in elaborate video skits that mocked homosexuals and showed officers pretending to masturbate and eat feces. He leeringly introduced one

episode as “my favorite topic, something foreign to the gay kid over there: chicks in the shower.” A Facebook support group that includes former Enterprise shipmates emerged quickly to defend Honors and his “Movie Nights,” which Honors apparently considered morale-boosters. But the Navy cited the former F-14 “Top Gun” pilot for “profound lack of good judgment and professionalism” and assigned him to a desk job in Norfolk, Va.

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