The week at a glance ... Europe


Workington, U.K.

No preaching against gays: A Baptist street preacher was arrested and jailed last week for saying that homosexuality was a sin. Dale McAlpine, 42, was passing out leaflets touting the Ten Commandments when a gay police officer heard him say that same-sex relationships are against the word of God. McAlpine was arrested and put in a jail cell for seven hours. He was charged with “using abusive or insulting language,” a crime under the Public Order Act, passed in the 1980s in response to a spate of soccer hooliganism. Christian activists are flocking to McAlpine’s defense. “A Christian who stands in a public place and expresses his religious beliefs in the hope of persuading passers-by of his views—that is freedom of speech,” said Sam Webster of the Christian Institute.

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