Could Greek turmoil cause a U.S. crash?

Rattled by Greece's riots and the Dow's swoon, markets and pundits alike worry that a spreading crisis in Europe could infect the U.S. economy

How could turmoil in Greece affect the US?
(Image credit: Getty)

As Greece suffered a second day of civil unrest Thursday, markets and pundits alike were becoming nervous that the euro-zone crisis might infect world markets. The uncertainty helped send Dow Jones industrial average into freefall, and the influential Mohamed El-Erian—CEO of the world's biggest bond fund—warned that the problem was "on the verge of truly going global." Could the market crisis in Europe spread to the U.S. and cause a long-term crash? (Watch an MSNBC discussion about whether America could be the next Greece)

This economic disaster will worsen our recession: Fallout from Greece is dragging down the entire euro zone, says Michael Schuman in Time, which will mean "reduced exports from the rest of the world to Europe." And by boosting the value of the dollar, the turmoil makes "U.S. goods less competitive in world markets." Taken together, this will "further dampen job creation" and slow the "recovery from the Great Recession."

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