Are Dems caving on health care?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says Obama is preparing a "much smaller" proposal. What does this mean for health reform?

A new, revised bill promises to be much smaller than the original (shown here at the health care summit)
(Image credit: Corbis)

In a final push to pass health-care reform, the Obama administration reportedly is drawing up a new health plan, aiming to garner greater bipartisan support by incorporating some of the Republican ideas aired at the president's health summit. According to Fox News, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says Obama's plan, due to be announced on Wednesday, is "much smaller" than the version already passed by the House and Senate. Is President Obama just making some last-minute tweaks, or are Democrats finally conceding in the year-long health-care battle?

The Democrats are caving to save their skins: The "single loudest message" from Republicans at President Obama's health summit was "to start over," says Bill Dupray in True/Slant. It now "appears that the president has capitulated." It's "only logical" -- the American people "overwhelmingly oppose the current plans," and ramming them through would have ensured the Democrats' "electoral destruction" in November.

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