Bush says troop reduction is possible

President Bush visits Iraq and security gains could make it possible to withdraw some American troops. This is a turning point, said Fred Kagan in National Review Online. But Iraqi factions are still at war, said The Economist.

President Bush made a surprise visit to Iraq yesterday and said that it might be possible to withdraw some U.S. troops from the country thanks to recent security gains. Bush and Iraq’s Shiite prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, met at a remote desert air base in the Sunni province of Anbar to demonstrate that reconcilation of Iraq’s warring factions remains a top priority.

Bush said he didn’t know how many U.S. soldiers could be brought home, or when. “Those decisions will be based on a calm assessment by our military commanders on the conditions on the ground—not a nervous reaction by Washington politicians to poll results in the media,” Bush said.

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