Danny Gallagher
Danny Gallagher is a freelance writer, blogger, and humorist. He can be found on the web at www.dannygallagher.net and on Twitter @thisisdannyg.
Latest articles by Danny Gallagher
6 enormously unhealthy breakfast sandwiches
feature And you thought a glazed donut sandwich was bad...
By Danny Gallagher Last updated
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7 life-size LEGO builds
feature Who needs a real Volvo when you can build your own out of 201,076 LEGO bricks?
By Danny Gallagher Last updated
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12 people who made a living eating inedible things
feature Remember that kid in school who would eat anything for a quarter? Maybe he wasn't just trying get attention. He was preparing for a career in show biz
By Danny Gallagher Last updated
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6 animals that science has discovered can dance
feature From honeybees to cockatoos, the animal kingdom is filled with creatures that like to get down
By Danny Gallagher Last updated
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6 TV characters who returned from the dead
feature From Murdoc of MacGyver to South Park's Kenny, these characters keep coming back for more
By Danny Gallagher Last updated
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6 rejected Disney theme park rides
feature Dick Tracy, the Muppets, and Mel Brooks all almost had their very own rides
By Danny Gallagher Last updated
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5 comedians who were sued over their material
feature Some people just can't take a joke
By Danny Gallagher Last updated
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7 health benefits of playing video games
feature Gaming can reduce stress, refine motor skills, improve your vision, and more
By Danny Gallagher Last updated
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WATCH: Sarah Palin's 5 most memorable Fox News moments
feature Who could forget the time the former Alaska governor called Nancy Pelosi a "dingbat" or the war in Libya a "squirmish"?
By Danny Gallagher Last updated
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6 giant versions of classic board games
feature Play the life-sized Game of LIFE in real life
By Danny Gallagher Last updated
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6 high school yearbook controversies
feature Doctored photos, banned babies, cruel captions, and more
By Danny Gallagher Last updated
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Jon Stewart's 5 most hard-hitting interviews
feature Many people, from former Vice President Al Gore to CNBC's Jim Cramer, have felt the wrath of Stewart's questioning
By Danny Gallagher Last updated
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Beyond Big Gulps: 5 other bizarre bans in New York history
feature Mayor Bloomberg's scuttled rule on jumbo sodas is just the latest in a long line of regulations on verboten goods
By Danny Gallagher Last updated
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7 musicians kicked out of the band they helped start
feature Cocaine is a hell of a drug
By Danny Gallagher Last updated