What the controversial triple lock means for state pensions

Will the triple lock plus policy make the state pension unaffordable?

Triple lock: Coins are stacked in piles that get higher alongside a jar of coins
Jeremy Hunt has confirmed the triple lock will return in 2024
(Image credit: marchmeena29 / Getty Images)

Rishi Sunak has revealed an expansion of the controversial triple lock scheme ahead of July's General Election, in the form of an "age-related tax-free allowance", said Sky News

At present, pensioners can receive £12,570 per year of their pensions before income tax is paid. However, if the Tories win the next election, the party has vowed that pensioners' allowances will increase in line with inflation, average earnings or 2.5%. This measure is "echoing the rules on annual state pension increases", the news website added. 

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Marc Shoffman is an NCTJ-qualified award-winning freelance journalist, specialising in business, property and personal finance. He has a BA in multimedia journalism from Bournemouth University and a master’s in financial journalism from City University, London. His career began at FT Business trade publication Financial Adviser, during the 2008 banking crash. In 2013, he moved to MailOnline’s personal finance section This is Money, where he covered topics ranging from mortgages and pensions to investments and even a bit of Bitcoin. Since going freelance in 2016, his work has appeared in MoneyWeek, The Times, The Mail on Sunday and on the i news site.