Talking with kids about sustainability

Empowering your children to take the lead on environmental advocacy is easier than you think

A boy on a propane bus.
(Image credit: Courtesy Image)

In association with the Propane Education & Research Council

Jack, 13, from South Carolina, surprised his parents one day, telling them he wanted to give his bus driver, Miss Geri, a new propane-powered school bus. Jack, who has autism and has been treated since birth for bilateral complex clubfoot (the soles of his feet touched each other), saw some buses at his school that were propane-powered. They had stickers that said they were good for the environment. But the bus created to transport students with special needs ran on diesel fuel. "When he told us his idea, we explained that we couldn't buy a bus," his mom, Shawn, said. "So, my husband suggested that Jack petition the school. After that, it was the only topic of conversation."

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