Keene Pumpkin Festival organizer tries to hijack local news broadcast amid mayhem

Keene Pumpkin Festival organizer tries to hijack local news broadcast amid mayhem
(Image credit: iStock)

Keene, New Hampshire's annual Pumpkin Festival took a chaotic turn over the weekend when hundreds of people, in accordance with the mischievous holiday spirit, decided to riot. Yet while trying to cover the bedlam, one local reporter had to fend off a festival organizer who desperately wanted to steer the coverage back to the "family-friendly" event and away from the (reportedly) intoxicated students trashing the town.

"She's not letting me do my job and report to you," Jared Goodell, a reporter for Channel 8, said. "She would not like me to tell you what's going on at Keene State College."

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Jon Terbush

Jon Terbush is an associate editor at covering politics, sports, and other things he finds interesting. He has previously written for Talking Points Memo, Raw Story, and Business Insider.