FBI sends letter to Senate correcting Comey's email testimony

FBI Director James Comey.
(Image credit: Eric Thayer/Getty Images)

On Tuesday, the FBI sent a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee clarifying a portion of FBI Director James Comey's testimony from last week's hearing, in which he incorrectly reported that Hillary Clinton's top aide Huma Abedin had forwarded "hundreds and thousands" of emails to her husband, Anthony Weiner.

Though 49,000 emails on Weiner's computer were identified as being potentially pertinent to the investigation into Clinton's private email server, the FBI said it determined that just "two email chains containing classified information were manually forwarded" from Abedin to Weiner. An additional 10 chains containing classified information were found on Weiner's laptop "as a result of backup activity." All 12 had previously been examined by the bureau.

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