Best Columns - International
India: No justice for Union Carbide victims
feature The Indian government, which has taken more than two decades to bring Union Carbide executives to trial for the Bhopal disaster, finally convicted seven executives of negligence. Each was sentenced each to two years in prison.
By The Week Staff Last updated
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Israel: The fallout over the flotilla fiasco
feature Israel faces denunciations from the rest of the world, a possible United Nations inquiry, and pressure to relax or lift the blockade.
By The Week Staff Last updated
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South Africa: The vuvuzelas shall not be silenced
feature The five Chinese factories that produce vuvuzelas have been working overtime since last November to fill the orders pouring in from South Africa.
By The Week Staff Last updated
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Israel: Killing protesters in the Golan Heights
feature Israeli troops killed at least 20 people when they opened fire on hundreds of unarmed protesters who crossed into the Golan Heights.
By The Week Staff Last updated
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South China Sea: China takes on its neighbors
feature China is practicing an increasingly aggressive presence in the South China Sea.
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Saudi Arabia: Driving in a burqa
feature Last week, at least 29 women defied Saudi Arabia’s unwritten law against women driving.
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Egypt: Have Islamists hijacked the revolution?
feature The latest Al-Jazeera poll shows that nearly 50 percent of Egyptians support the Muslim Brotherhood, while another 27 percent support the Saudi-backed Salafists.
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Middle East: Lawlessness in Sinai
feature An incident in the Sinai peninsula at the border between Israel and Egypt reveals the uneasy peace between the two countries.
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Tunisia: The Arab world’s first revolution
feature Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, who looted his country for two decades, was toppled last week in a popular uprising.
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Tunisia: Islamists win Arab Spring’s first election
feature Tunisia's first democratic election had a massive turnout of more than 90 percent.
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Australia: We need peace between the U.S. and China
feature Our prosperity depends on a handful of big mining companies “and their immense exports of resources, especially to China,” said Hugh White in The Age.
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Egypt: Coptic Christians under attack
feature The Egyptian army killed some two dozen Coptic Christians who were protesting the army’s failure to punish a series of Islamist attacks on their churches.
By The Week Staff Last updated
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Canada: A court that treats us like children
feature If you crumble “at a rude word from some random loser, you have problems no hate-speech judgment can begin to address,” said John Robson at the Ottawa Sun.
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Mexico: Is America going to go fascist?
feature The prevalence of “anti-immigrant demagoguery” increases the likelihood that Mexicans will be discriminated against, exploited, or abused, said an editorial in La Jornada.
By The Week Staff Last updated