Terrorism: Is Cheney winning the rhetoric war?
feature Cheney railed against the Obama's war policy last Sunday. Are the former vice president's arguments 'crazy' - or surprisingly logical?
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The economic crisis: On Main Street, fear leads to frugality
feature Consumers, even the superwealthy ones, are closing up their wallets and altering their spending behavior.
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Obama: Can he bridge the partisan gap?
feature President Obama would like to create a new spirit of consensus so that the nation can get things done. Will he receive cooperation from the GOP and from members of his own party?
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The economy: Obama’s new New Deal
feature Obama's $775 billion package of programs to repair our infrastructure, promote fuel efficiency and alternative energies, and modernize our electrical grid is reminiscent of the works projects of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
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The banking crisis: Is nationalization the only way out?
feature Secretary Timothy Geithner plans to pump $1.5 trillion into failing banks, yet experts say that major U.S. banks already have $2 trillion in bad debt, and future losses in the financial system might raise the amount to as much as $7 trillion.<
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Bush’s legacy: How will history judge him?
feature Will Bush, like Harry Truman, be appreciated in hindsight, or will he be forever judged as one of the nation's most unpopular presidents?
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Iraq: Is Obama really ending the war?
feature Obama unveiled a timetable under which all “combat units” would leave Iraq by August 2010; the plan also allows for the continued presence of up to 50,000 “support troops” until December 2011.
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The GOP: Are party leaders divorcing the Tea Party?
feature It was only a few years ago that the Tea Party movement helped the GOP seize control of the House in the 2010 midterms.
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Obamacare: Does the GOP have a better alternative?
feature Though the White House botched the rollout of the ACA, Americans have no desire to return to the status quo.
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The GOP: Is Ted Cruz the new face of the party?
feature The GOP must decide, and decide soon, whether Ted Cruz’s angry, extremist rhetoric will define its message.
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Obamacare: Too complex to work?
feature The Affordable Care Act's “mind-numbing complexity” will make it difficult—too difficult?—to implement.
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Drones: Has the U.S. committed war crimes?
feature Two new reports from Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch are challenging the myth that drones kill only terrorists.
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NFL bullying scandal: Taking the measure of manhood
feature Jonathan Martin sparked a national debate when he quit the Miami Dolphins because of hazing from teammate Richie Incognito.
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The Sochi Games: A disaster for Putin?
feature Vladimir Putin wanted the Sochi Winter Olympics to be “a showcase of modern Russia.”
By The Week Staff Last updated