Bush: How will history judge him?

“Gone were the grand dreams of remaking Social Security, immigration law, or the tax code,” said Peter Baker in The Washington Post. Gone, too, was the belligerent rhetoric about the “Axis of Evil,” and the calls to spread freedom and democracy around the globe. “For a president who has always favored boldness,” George W. Bush’s final State of the Union address this week was modest indeed; mainly, it was an attempt to shore up his past initiatives, such as the troop surge in Iraq, his tax cuts, and the No Child Left Behind education program. This Bush was grayer and less cocky than the one who first addressed the nation in 2001, said Doyle McManus in the Los Angeles Times. Clearly, he’s been chastened by his seven tumultuous years in office and 31 percent approval rating. He acknowledged that there was much “unfinished business” in his domestic agenda, including Social Security and Medicare reform, illegal immigration, and an economic expansion that is now headed for a crash landing. Still, Bush spoke proudly of how the troop surge had “achieved results few of us could have imagined just one year ago.” With barely a year left, the president is now engaged in “a short-term scramble for a long-term legacy.”

That legacy, unfortunately, will be dominated by Iraq, said The Philadelphia Inquirer in an editorial. Bush has spent more than $440 billion and nearly all of his political capital on that “misguided war.” Clearly, “the war has sucked all the time, energy, and money out of the room” and seriously crippled Bush’s domestic agenda. “His past pledge to create more access to health insurance? Forgotten.” Environmental protection? Bush mentioned it once. There’s almost no time left for him to accomplish anything of note. Face it, said the Chicago Tribune. Bush is “a lame duck skirting the edges of relevance.”

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