Daniel Larison
Daniel Larison has a Ph.D. in history and is a contributing editor at The American Conservative. He also writes on the blog Eunomia.
Latest articles by Daniel Larison
The brewing proxy war in Syria
feature As Western governments clamor for Bashar al-Assad's ouster, they roar toward a dangerous conflict with Syria's Russian and Iranian patrons
By Daniel Larison Last updated
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Paul Ryan's foreign policy speeches: What they say about Mitt Romney's running mate
feature Foreign policy likely won't decide the election in November — unless perhaps voters learn just how aligned Ryan's world views are with those of George W. Bush
By Daniel Larison Last updated
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The problem with political bloviating on China
feature U.S. presidential candidates love to harp on the world's most populous nation. But once they're in office, they quickly start singing a different tune
By Daniel Larison Last updated
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Why America should stay out of Syria
feature Hawkish agitators are clamoring for the West to intervene in Syria's bloody civil war. That's a terrible, terrible idea
By Daniel Larison Last updated
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Talking to tyrants in Iran
feature There are no guarantees that direct U.S. engagement with Iran will improve the fortunes of Iranian reformers, but it will help them more than new sanctions will.
By Daniel Larison Last updated
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Obama follows Bush's passage to India
feature Obama must have been tempted to adopt an 'Anything but Bush' foreign policy. But in India, at least, he has wisely followed his predecessor's lead.
By Daniel Larison Last updated
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The Mullahs will win: Deal with it.
feature The hard-liners in Iran will likely survive. But the regime will be more likely to strike a deal with the U.S. as a result of this week's dramatic protests.
By Daniel Larison Last updated
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The failure of the anti-Hagel campaign
feature The Democratic defections that conservatives coveted never materialized. And now many Republicans look like reflexively, dangerously aggressive people
By Daniel Larison Last updated
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Mitt Romney's vapid, misleading foreign policy speech
feature Obama has made some big international mistakes, but Romney seems incapable of honestly critiquing them
By Daniel Larison Last updated
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Republicans must get real on foreign policy
feature Enough with the reckless, tone-deaf warmongering. Conservatives ought to start listening to realists like Rand Paul and Jon Huntsman
By Daniel Larison Last updated
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Marco Rubio's foreign policy: Blind, irrational, and dangerous
feature And somehow, this worldview still prevails among GOP leaders
By Daniel Larison Last updated
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Why Obama will keep ignoring Syria in his second term
feature Many second-term presidents turn to foreign policy if they're viewed as lame ducks domestically. But don't expect Obama to go off starting wars
By Daniel Larison Last updated
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What Obama's cabinet choices say about his second-term foreign policy
feature Expect a less militarized approach to America's dealings with the rest of the world
By Daniel Larison Last updated
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Making a fetish of democracy
feature From Iraq to Afghanistan and beyond, Washington remains in thrall to the idea that democratization will make other nations more peaceful and reliable allies. It isn't true.
By Daniel Larison Last updated
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The Pakistan Gamble
By Daniel Larison Last updated
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Biden is no loose cannon
feature Joe Biden keeps getting grief for putting his foot in his mouth, especially on matters of foreign policy. But there may be a method to his supposed madness.
By Daniel Larison Last updated
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Killing Taliban leaders isn't enough
feature To diminish support for the Taliban ... there eventually must be greater accommodation of the aggrieved population’s interests. If those grievances cannot be accommodated, it will not matter how many (Baitullah) Mehsuds our forces assa
By Daniel Larison Last updated
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Obama in Cairo: Not far enough
feature The president achieved something. But he failed to reach the one audience that really matters.
By Daniel Larison Last updated
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Who lost conservatism?
By Daniel Larison Last updated
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Obama, Huntsman, and Republican oblivion
feature President Obama's nomination of Republican Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman to be ambassador to China has left the struggling GOP even more marginalized on foreign policy—and they don't even seem to realize it.
By Daniel Larison Last updated
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Obama is no apologist
By Daniel Larison Last updated
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The U.S. should stay in Haiti
By Daniel Larison Last updated
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Turkey's Israel problem
By Daniel Larison Last updated
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Nuclear Iran? Get used to it
By Daniel Larison Last updated