Bernie Sanders says he intends to go 'into Trumpworld and start talking to people'

Bernie Sanders.
(Image credit: SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) "would have loved to run against" former President Donald Trump in the 2020 election, he told The New York Times' Maureen Dowd. "He's a fraud and he's a phony," Sanders said of Trump. "That's what he is, and he has to be exposed for that."

But he retains a different attitude toward many of Trump's supporters, whom he says he wants to reach out to soon, seemingly when he gets a break from his work on infrastructure legislation. Sanders told Dowd that the "Democratic elite" doesn't always "fully appreciate" the need to speak to the struggles of the white working class, reflecting a message he often relayed throughout his presidential campaigns. "We've got to take it to them," Sanders said, referring to the aforementioned demographic. "I intend, as soon as I have three minutes, to start going into Trumpworld and start talking to people."

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Tim O'Donnell

Tim is a staff writer at The Week and has contributed to Bedford and Bowery and The New York Transatlantic. He is a graduate of Occidental College and NYU's journalism school. Tim enjoys writing about baseball, Europe, and extinct megafauna. He lives in New York City.