Trump to attend NATO summit in May

Donald Trump.
(Image credit: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images)

The White House announced Tuesday night that President Trump will attend a summit with leaders of NATO nations on May 25 in Brussels.

"The president looks forward to meeting with his NATO counterparts to reaffirm our strong commitment to NATO, and to discuss issues critical to the alliance, especially allied responsibility-sharing and NATO's role in the fight against terrorism," the White House said in a statement. One of Trump's oft-repeated lines is that NATO allies need to increase their defense spending, and he'll probably bring this up when NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg visits Washington, D.C., on April 12. On Monday, it was reported that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was skipping a NATO meeting in April, while planning to visit Russia later in the month.

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Catherine Garcia, The Week US

Catherine Garcia is night editor for Her writing and reporting has appeared in Entertainment Weekly and, The New York Times, The Book of Jezebel, and other publications. A Southern California native, Catherine is a graduate of the University of Redlands and the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.