Bill Clinton's DNC speech: Setting the stage for Hillary in 2016?

The Big Dog delivers a full-throated endorsement of President Obama — and also manages to not-so-subtly promote the Clinton brand

Bill Clinton barely mentioned his wife by name during Wednesday's big Democratic convention speech, but in the eyes of liberals, he still managed to boost Hillary's presidential prospects.
(Image credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images)

On Wednesday night, Bill Clinton electrified the Democratic National Convention with a spirited defense of President Obama's first term, potentially giving the incumbent a lift with unhappy voters who pine for the good old days of low unemployment under Clinton. The 43rd president's unequivocal endorsement of his Democratic successor also appeared to finally bury the hatchet between Obama and the Clintons, who fought a bitter primary battle in 2008 that reportedly left more than a few wounds, even after Obama tapped Hillary Clinton to be his secretary of State. Obama has all but conceded that he needs the Clintons' help to win re-election, which not only burnishes the Clinton brand, but puts Bill in a position where he could be "making the case for a President Hillary Clinton four years from now," says Elspeth Reeve at The Atlantic. Did Clinton's speech represent the first step toward a Hillary run in 2016?

Yes. The Clintons are back: Bill Clinton barely mentioned Hillary, "but the subtext was clear: The Clintons remain a force to be reckoned with in the Democratic Party," says Beth Fouhy at The Associated Press. Clinton pointedly reminded "voters of the robust economy he presided over during two terms in the White House with Hillary Clinton prominently by his side." Hillary will be 68 in 2016, and has repeatedly claimed she has no interest in running. But with this speech, the former president succeeded in "setting the stage for another White House bid" by Hillary — if she chooses to run.

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