Ron Paul's straw poll wins: Why aren't they helping his campaign?

The Texas congressman leads the pack, again. But, judging by his other straw-poll victories, he shouldn't expect a big campaign boost

Rep. Ron Paul
(Image credit: Brendan Hoffman/Corbis)

Rep. Ron Paul won another another straw poll on Saturday, topping the Republican field with 37 percent of the vote at the Values Voters Summit. The libertarian congressman won similar contests held by the California GOP and the Conservative Political Action Conference, and he finished a close second behind Rep. Michele Bachmann in the closely watched Ames Straw Poll. With such consistently strong showings, why isn't Paul's campaign taking off?

Straw polls aren't everything: Paul has again proven the strength of his campaign, says Rich Stowell at The Washington Times. This win, and those before it, remind those who would dismiss Paul that he "has an extraordinarily disciplined and effective organization nationwide, ready to deploy at these major events." But the nominating process is a slog and his rivals are strong, so he'll have to be satisfied with the fleeting publicity each victory brings.

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