Mike Pence was the unlikely winner of the vice presidential debate

Sometimes boring wins

Mike Pence.
(Image credit: Illustrated | Getty Images, iStock)

Like millions of other Americans I found the experience of watching the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden exhausting. Three septuagenarians shouted at each other for 90 minutes, an amazing achievement given that only two of them are running for office. It was an appalling spectacle, crude, obnoxious, unedifying, almost totally incoherent.

It was also, on balance, more enjoyable than what we watched on Wednesday night. This is probably because despite the passivity of the moderator, USA Today's Susan Page, the exchange between Kamala Harris and Mike Pence resembled an actual debate. It even had a clear winner in Pence, who was just boring enough to grind this one out.

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Matthew Walther

Matthew Walther is a national correspondent at The Week. His work has also appeared in First Things, The Spectator of London, The Catholic Herald, National Review, and other publications. He is currently writing a biography of the Rev. Montague Summers. He is also a Robert Novak Journalism Fellow.