How Rush Limbaugh blurred the line between politics and showbiz

Here we are now, entertain us

Rush Limbaugh.
(Image credit: Illustrated | Getty Images, iStock, Library of Congress)

It is somehow fitting that in the same week Rush Limbaugh died, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson signaled — again — his interest in running for president.

"I would consider a presidential run in the future if that's what the people wanted," Johnson told USA Today in an interview. "Truly I mean that, and I'm not flippant in any way with my answer. That would be up to the people ... So I would wait, and I would listen. I would have my finger on the pulse, my ear to the ground."

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Joel Mathis, The Week US

Joel Mathis is a writer with 30 years of newspaper and online journalism experience. His work also regularly appears in National Geographic and The Kansas City Star. His awards include best online commentary at the Online News Association and (twice) at the City and Regional Magazine Association.