Biden's early successes prove experience matters

He not only understands how his job works, he has been around long enough to avoid some of the pitfalls

President Biden.
(Image credit: Illustrated | Getty Images, AP Images, iStock)

During the 2020 presidential election, Joe Biden's opponents tried to make the case that he had been in Washington for far too long, and not always to great effect. His then-future vice president, Kamala Harris, raked him over the coals during a Democratic primary debate for speaking fondly of his work with segregationist senators during the 1970s. Donald Trump followed up in the general election by blaming Biden for all of the country's problems that didn't get solved during Biden's half-century of public service as senator and vice president.

"I did more in 47 months as president than Joe Biden did in 47 years," Trump said last year.

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Joel Mathis, The Week US

Joel Mathis is a writer with 30 years of newspaper and online journalism experience. His work also regularly appears in National Geographic and The Kansas City Star. His awards include best online commentary at the Online News Association and (twice) at the City and Regional Magazine Association.