Emily Shire
Emily Shire is chief researcher for The Week magazine. She has written about pop culture, religion, and women and gender issues at publications including Slate, The Forward, and Jewcy.
Latest articles by Emily Shire
Why Amherst College's advice to watch out for 'unwanted sexual advances' is offensive
feature It's not the advice itself, but Amherst's historically weak response to assault
By Emily Shire Last updated
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The good and not-so-good reasons to have sex
feature It's important to get in your head and think about your sexual motivation
By Emily Shire Last updated
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Frat-tastic brosurance ads aren't doing ObamaCare any favors
feature Health insurance may be the one area where keg stands and Solo cups don't make things better
By Emily Shire Last updated
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'Blurred Lines' and 5 other popular songs sued for copyright infringement
feature Robin Thicke is in good company
By Emily Shire Last updated
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Why David Cameron's crusade against porn is the nanny state at its worst
feature Let them watch porn, prime minister
By Emily Shire Last updated
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Amsterdam's plan to pay alcoholics in beer is actually not a bad idea
feature Hear me out...
By Emily Shire Last updated
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Why you should pay attention to the Lily Allen–Miley Cyrus feminist feud
feature There are more nuances to the debate than to twerk or not to twerk
By Emily Shire Last updated
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What Orgasm Wars reveals about Japan's sexual culture
feature Don't just chalk it up to the country's "weirdness"
By Emily Shire Last updated
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The evolutionary roots of Mean Girls
feature Cattiness, bitchiness, and gossiping may serve an evolutionary purpose among women. But does it have to be the norm?
By Emily Shire Last updated
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The posthumous Scottsboro pardons: Too little, too late
feature It's a nice gesture by the Alabama parole board. But it's just a gesture.
By Emily Shire Last updated
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Stanford's oldest kissing tradition is a public health problem
feature Once-quaint Full Moon on the Quad is a bastion for mononucleosis and other illnesses
By Emily Shire Last updated
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The ObamaCare ads for millennial women are actually worse than the Brosurance ones
feature The new ads make women seem dopey, and foster some unsafe sex myths
By Emily Shire Last updated
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What politicians still don't understand about women voters
feature Terry McAuliffe's victory in Virginia proves that women have political interests beyond their ovaries
By Emily Shire Last updated
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Enough with the Chris Christie fat jokes
feature It's immature, and it's ineffective to boot
By Emily Shire Last updated
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Why the American love affair with John F. Kennedy is winding down
feature Voters are increasingly critical of Camelot's legacy
By Emily Shire Last updated