Paul Brandus
An award-winning member of the White House press corps, Paul Brandus founded (@WestWingReport) and provides reports for media outlets around the United States and overseas. His career spans network television, Wall Street, and several years as a foreign correspondent based in Moscow, where he covered the collapse of the Soviet Union for NBC Radio and the award-winning business and economics program Marketplace. He has traveled to 53 countries on five continents and has reported from, among other places, Iraq, Chechnya, China, and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Latest articles by Paul Brandus
We're halfway through 2013. How are things going?
feature Assessing the state of our union through statistics
By Paul Brandus Last updated
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Obama doesn't have a 'juice' problem. He has a Republican problem.
feature The president still thinks he can win over his GOP opponents. He couldn't be more wrong.
By Paul Brandus Last updated
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Obama's NSA 'reforms' won't change anything
feature Don't be fooled: These are empty gestures, and nothing more
By Paul Brandus Last updated
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What if John McCain had won the 2008 election?
feature It's tempting to imagine "what could have been." But the maverick would have faced many of the same challenges Obama has struggled with.
By Paul Brandus Last updated
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Nearly all Americans think of themselves as patriots
feature And they're right
By Paul Brandus Last updated
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Edward Snowden: Traitor and hero?
feature It seems counterintuitive, but the NSA secret-spiller might be both
By Paul Brandus Last updated
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The dam bursts on Benghazi
feature Thanks to a bombshell report from ABC News, GOP accusations that the White House politicized a tragedy no longer seem so unsubstantiated
By Paul Brandus Last updated
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Obama is not weak on terrorism
feature And conservative critics who say he is are proving they have very-short, very-partisan memories
By Paul Brandus Last updated
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D.C. is obsessed with scandal. America isn't.
feature No wonder the nation is disillusioned with its lawmakers.
By Paul Brandus Last updated
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President Obama: Flounderer-in-chief?
feature This is not a president who is in command of events. Events are in command of him.
By Paul Brandus Last updated
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Be thankful for messy politics and noisy protesters
feature Many Americans are fed up with our gridlocked politics and sputtering economy. But there's still plenty to be grateful for
By Paul Brandus Last updated
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The 'super seven' swing states that will determine the presidency
feature Forget California and Texas. Pay no mind to Missouri and Michigan. The battle for the White House comes down to just seven states — and anyone could win
By Paul Brandus Last updated
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Mitt Romney's worst week ever
feature Bain discrepancies, tax questions, NAACP booing, hanging with the Bushies — it seems like nothing is going right for the GOP presidential standard bearer
By Paul Brandus Last updated
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How gun-rights advocates benefit from Obama's presidency
feature Gun lobbyists say Obama will dismantle the right to bear arms if he's re-elected, failing to note that the past four years have been great for their industry
By Paul Brandus Last updated
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A Fourth of July channeling of Thomas Jefferson
feature As we celebrate our nation's 236th birthday, let's assess how the author of the Declaration of Independence might judge how we've executed his mission
By Paul Brandus Last updated
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Romney and Obama: Two peas in a pod on Israel and Iran?
feature The Republican is eager to show Jewish voters that he'd be tougher on Iran than the Democratic president. But that may be an awfully tough sell
By Paul Brandus Last updated
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The media's shameful exploitation of political soundbites
feature If you listened only to cable-news bobbleheads, you'd think President Obama is a clueless economic neophyte and Mitt Romney hates firefighters
By Paul Brandus Last updated
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The Arab mess — and America's dilemma
feature The Arab world is plagued by poverty, repression, and unsustainable population growth. What's a global superpower to do?
By Paul Brandus Last updated
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All you need to know about every swing state that matters
feature Forget national polls. The presidential race will be decided in a half dozen or so key swing states
By Paul Brandus Last updated
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Obama's top 5 successes
feature The president will surely boast of his accomplishments during Tuesday night's State of the Union address. So what exactly are they?
By Paul Brandus Last updated
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The many misconceptions of Mitt Romney's veepstakes
feature The punditocracy assumes Mitt will surely pick a No. 2 who can deliver a swing state. Don't bet on it
By Paul Brandus Last updated
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The politics of presidential visits to Arlington
feature For the first time since 1944, neither major-party presidential candidate has served in the military. But that's not stopping them from pushing for the veteran vote
By Paul Brandus Last updated
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The messy tax fight that will ruin Christmas
feature Obama wants tax rates and the debt ceiling to go up. Republicans want spending levels to go down. Get ready for gridlock
By Paul Brandus Last updated
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How the ObamaCare ruling will shape U.S. politics... for the next 40 years
feature When Romney and Obama face off in November, they won't just be battling for the White House. They'll be fighting over the future of a bitterly divided court
By Paul Brandus Last updated