Texas Gov. Greg Abbott slams 'Biden's vaccine mandate,' defends 'right to choose' vaccination

Greg Abbott.
(Image credit: Sergio Flores/AFP/Getty Images)

Some people appreciated President Biden's "angry dad vibe" in Thursday's speech outlining his administration's new policies to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, but there was one group that's just angry, specifically at the plan's push to ensure that about 100 million workers either get vaccinated or, in most cases, submit to weekly COVID-19 testing.

Several Republican governors and the Republican National Committee focused on Biden's order that companies with 100 workers or more require vaccines or weekly testing, calling it an "unconstitutional" and "dictatorial" overreach. Several of them threatened legal actions. Some of the GOP governors tweeted their support for getting vaccinated, but all opposed "mandates."

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Peter Weber, The Week US

Peter has worked as a news and culture writer and editor at The Week since the site's launch in 2008. He covers politics, world affairs, religion and cultural currents. His journalism career began as a copy editor at a financial newswire and has included editorial positions at The New York Times Magazine, Facts on File, and Oregon State University.