Tucker Carlson knows how terrible we are — minute by minute

What a new profile tells us about Fox News and democracy

Tucker Carlson.
(Image credit: Illustrated | Getty Images, iStock)

One of my most firmly held beliefs is that TV news — cable news, in particular — is terrible for democracy.

Television is a medium that often prioritizes being entertaining over being informative or enlightening or even helpful. What the networks want is to grab your eyeballs, and keep them. Viewers can always turn to the next channel, after all, to watch Friends reruns or some home-improvement show. The problem, of course, is that it's much, much easier to get viewers' interest with drama and outrage than with eat-your-spinach coverage of politics and policy. So drama and outrage are what we get.

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Joel Mathis, The Week US

Joel Mathis is a writer with 30 years of newspaper and online journalism experience. His work also regularly appears in National Geographic and The Kansas City Star. His awards include best online commentary at the Online News Association and (twice) at the City and Regional Magazine Association.