Paul Ryan is already sick of talking about Donald Trump

Paul Ryan is already sick of talking about Trump.
(Image credit: Win McNamee/Getty Images)

The general election hasn't even started and House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) already seems to be tired of talking about his party's presumptive nominee, Donald Trump. On Tuesday, Ryan's spokesperson sent out an email begging reporters to stop focusing only on the speaker's meeting with Trump this week and to consider what else is going on in Washington instead. "You should know that Thursday's Ryan/Trump meeting is not the most important thing happening in D.C. this week," spokeswoman AshLee Strong wrote in an email to reporters. "While it's a busy week on the political front, it also happens to be an important week on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives."

A good replacement topic for the Trump beat, Strong suggests, is the upcoming vote on 18 bills addressing the nation's opioid epidemic. "While politics may have your attention right now," Strong wrote, "we hope you'll have time to review and write on this important and thoughtful action the House is about to take to tackle the disturbing opioid epidemic."

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