Mississippi Republican says Confederate statue removers in Louisiana should be 'lynched'

A statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee is removed in New Orleans.
(Image credit: AP Photo/Scott Threlkeld)

On Friday, New Orleans completed the removal of the last of four designated Confederate monuments — to the outrage of opponents, who say the decision erases "the history of the city." But The Root reports Mississippi State Rep. Karl Oliver, a Republican, took his outrage a step further this weekend, writing on Facebook that "if the … 'leadership' of Louisiana wishes to, in a Nazi-ish fashion, burn books or destroy historical monuments of our history, they should be lynched!"

Oliver's fellow lawmakers were horrified. "Angered beyond words by the inflammatory remarks made by the representative from District 46," wrote Mississippi Rep. Chris Bell, a Democrat. "His constant and consistent disrespect for those who are offended by the images of hate is unacceptable! I will fight with vigor and tenacity to ensure not only our current state flag is removed along with those images that glorify hate."

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Jeva Lange

Jeva Lange was the executive editor at TheWeek.com. She formerly served as The Week's deputy editor and culture critic. She is also a contributor to Screen Slate, and her writing has appeared in The New York Daily News, The Awl, Vice, and Gothamist, among other publications. Jeva lives in New York City. Follow her on Twitter.