Newly declassified email shows FBI's Comey worried about Flynn's frequent talks with Russia's ambassador

Michael Flynn and Susan Rice in January 2017
(Image credit: Chris Kleponis/AFP/Getty Images)

Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell fully declassified Tuesday a January 2017 email Susan Rice, then President Barack Obama's national security adviser, sent to herself about a brief Jan. 5 meeting about incoming National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. This is the second document related to Flynn that Grenell has declassified in the past week, as Attorney General William Barr seeks to drop the criminal case again Flynn for his lies to FBI agents about his undisclosed number of conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Kislyak's calls were monitored.

Those conversations were a focus of the Jan. 5 meeting memorialized by Rice.

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Peter Weber, The Week US

Peter has worked as a news and culture writer and editor at The Week since the site's launch in 2008. He covers politics, world affairs, religion and cultural currents. His journalism career began as a copy editor at a financial newswire and has included editorial positions at The New York Times Magazine, Facts on File, and Oregon State University.